Right now I am planning a boys camp for July with some of the other volunteers. We will be holding it in a national park here in Ancash and all of the volunteers will bring a kid from their site. The park is providing us with buildings, beds, etc to use free of charge, but we applied for a grant to get funding for food and all the materials we will be using in the activities. Why am I explaining all this you ask? Because the grant gets funded by donations. Meaning we need friends and family back in the US to give a few bucks to fund the project. We actually only need about $550 total, but we need it within a couple of weeks so that it can be processed in time for the camp. Since we don't need a super large sum of money, but we do need it soon, every dollar really does count. I would greatly appreciate any donations anyone can make. Every couple bucks is important. You can follow the link below to donate.
One last thing, I will be posting about how the camp went afterward so you can all see.